SWCA response staff can be reached 24 hours/day by calling 484-222-4630.
Our team of environmental response experts at SWCA has responded to over 100 releases at locations in 31 states, Puerto Rico, and Canada. We have more than 200 years of combined experience responding to releases of crude oil and other petroleum products, PFAS compounds, drilling fluids and produced water, chemicals, and bioproducts.
Our environmental response specialists provide strategic leadership, management, and scientific advisory support to our clients (responsible parties) during emergency response to oil/chemical spills. Our toxicologists, biologists, ecologists, and economists frequently fill key roles as leaders and technical specialists within the Incident Command System including Environmental Unit Lead, SCAT coordinator, sampling coordinator, and wildlife reconnaissance lead. SWCA’s geographically distributed team of natural resource and cultural resource experts, with support from our geospatial data acquisition team, gather the field data needed to guide the response and to ensure that information is documented for use in future regulatory and litigation-driven processes.
What differentiates SWCA from our competitors, beyond our years of combined experience, is perspective. After a response is finished, we continue to work with our clients until administrative and legal processes are complete and environmental liabilities are resolved. Over the years we have seen response decisions shape, for better or for worse, public perception, the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA), administrative penalties, and third-party lawsuits. SWCA integrates our knowledge of response operations, natural resource sensitivity, chemical fate and effects, regulatory processes, and liability claims to help our clients move efficiently and strategically through the full life-cycle of an incident from initial response to final resolution.
24/7 Emergency Response
40+ NRDA Assessments under OPA
100+ Spill Responses in 32 States, Puerto Rico, and Canada
Relevant Services
- ICS Environmental Unit Leadership and Support
- Shoreline Assessment (SCAT) and Program Management
- Identification and Prioritization of Sensitive Resources at Risk
- Comprehensive Data Management and Mapping
- Preparation of SOPs, QAPPs, and Sampling Plans
- Net Environmental Benefits Analysis
- Environmental Scince and Toxicology Support
- Development of Cleanup Endpoints
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment
- Data Acquisition
- Remote Sensing and Aerial Imaging
- Litigation Support