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On September 11, 2020, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) published a new Large Construction General Permit (LCGP) and a new Small Construction General Permit (SCGP). These permits are now in effect and require updates to existing projects covered under the prior permits issued. Regulatory changes include updated definitions, new map requirements, changes in fees, and changes to permit duration. Operators should be aware of the following key deadlines:

  • Renewal Form Submission (LCGP): All permittees operating under the LCGP must submit a renewal form by November 20, 2020, to maintain coverage.
  • Temporary Automatic Coverage (LCGP): All stormwater discharges covered under the prior LCGP will maintain coverage through December 20, 2020.
  • Plan Implementation (LCGP): Operators must update their Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and implement the plans in accordance with the new LCGP changes by March 20, 2021.
  • Plan Implementation (SCGP): Operators must update their SWPPPs and implement the plans in accordance with the new SCGP changes by December 15, 2020.

The new permits will remain in effect through August 1, 2025, and continued coverage under the LCGP and SCGP will require updates to SWPPPs to remain in compliance.  Additional details on changes can be found on the Wyoming DEQ website.


Existing projects that disturb between 1 and 5 acres within the state of Wyoming will require updates to documentation for continued coverage under the new SCGP, and existing projects that disturb 5 or more acres within the state of Wyoming will require updates to documentation for continued coverage under the new LCGP. These permits do not cover areas within the Wind River Reservation, where the State of Wyoming lacks jurisdiction. New projects may receive coverage under the general permits, but proponents must consider critical changes to the documentation required. Given the rapidly approaching renewal submission deadline, it will be important for permit holders to renew permit conditions, ensure that they are in compliance with all permit components, including new SWPPP requirements, and submit renewal applications in advance of the deadline.

SWCA’s multidisciplinary team has substantial experience in preparing SWPPPs, annual reports, and other permit renewal documentation for submission to the WDEQ. Our environmental specialists understand the WDEQ’s new permit requirements and new applicable requirements of other agencies, including updated State of Wyoming executive orders regarding greater sage-grouse and the new inclusion of mule deer and antelope migration corridors. In addition, SWCA can help attain permit coverage for best management practices no longer covered under the LCGP, such as sediment ponds. We have the capacity to provide these services in a timely fashion so clients can meet rapidly approaching deadlines.


SWCA will work closely with clients and the WDEQ to submit new and renewal applications for coverage under the general permits. If you have any questions regarding the new LCGP and SCGP requirements in relation to your project, please reach out to your primary SWCA contact or one of the following specialists:

Leewood Oakley | leewood [dot] oakley [at] swca [dot] com (leewood[dot]oakley[at]swca[dot]com)

Shawna Johnson | sljohnson [at] swca [dot] com